What is SEO?

Search engine optimization is the implementation of best practices for ranking higher in search engine results, which, if done properly, increases free traffic to your website. Simply put, SEO is the basis for good digital marketing.

How Does SEO work?

When answering a query, a search engine looks through its database of webpages and retrieves results using an algorithm. To be qualified by a search engine as the most relevant result, your page must be optimized for several criteria such as quality content and specific keywords, structure and technical setup, user-friendliness, credibility, location, etc. The weight of each factor varies, which makes SEO a demanding task that requires expert help.

With our broad background in SEO services, we offer comprehensive strategies and approaches to assist you with any SEO demands, whatever your case may be.

6 most important parts of SEO







Types of SEO

Digital marketing requires a strategy to maximize its effectiveness. A well-rounded organic search strategy, in turn, demands three types of SEO: on-page SEO, technical SEO, and off-page SEO. Breaking it down into these three categories makes it much easier to achieve your optimization goals and get more organic traffic. Now, let’s have a look at how each type works and how it increases your visibility in search results.

Want to improve your On-page SEO?

Then, the focus is on optimizing your web page content. The point of the matter, are you producing quality content? You need to go beyond simple duplication of content across your marketing outlets. You need to give your audience a reason to spend time on your web pages. You need to provide value – something unique that cannot be found anywhere else. This will be the essence that holds all the other factors in check.

When creating content, it is essential to include the language and terms that your audience is using. So, research into the right keywords and phrases will help you to effectively answer your customers’ queries and, thus, be shifted to the top of the results page to get more organic traffic.

Search engines measure website-user interaction, or engagement, in a variety of ways – by the time spent on your page, clicking through your website or hitting the back button, comparing with visitors’ activity on similar websites, shares on social media, etc. For this reason, engagement, as one of the major factors influencing SEO directly, is proportionate to the quality of content and the value it brings to the audience.

Part of our SEO services is curating quality content creation and relevant keyword terms research to present your business to prospective customers and the value you provide most naturally and organically, which fosters connection and engagement.

We are happy to help you.

Just give as a call to benefit from our quality SEO services.

+965 6888 3012

Technical SEO – Not an Option, A Must

Technical SEO depends on how your website is developed, for it is, in essence, the way your web pages are coded. Search engines “crawl” websites, reading web page after web page to keep the “web library” updated. It is considered good practice to use a sitemap, internal link structure, robots.txt to help engines read your website more effectively and avoid any crawling issues.

When crawling your web page, search engines catch ranking signals from specific HTML elements, like title tag, meta description tag, header tags, structured data. All of them serve a better understanding of what your pages are all about, so they have to be well-crafted, unique, engaging, and to the point for each page in order to result in additional clicks that add up to better ranking.

Search engine friendly design equals responsive and mobile-friendly design. Since nowadays more searches happen on mobile devices engines reward websites with mobile versions by ranking them better. The other factor appreciated by engines is loading speed, as they aim at making the web a faster place. Besides a fast web, users want a safe web and engines know this too. So, running HTTPS servers also contributes to your overall ranking success.

Do you face difficulties with improving your off-page SEO?

We can help you

Your concern is Off-page SEO?

Then the focus will be on the activity that happens off your page. From a search perspective, website authority is a direct indicator of success and failure. Your goal then is to be recognized as an expert in your area or business.

These are some of the main authority factors at play

  • Link building and their quality
  • Social media engagement metrics
  • References and reviews

Link Building in SEO

Backlinks are the first major ranking factor in this category. They are the votes in favor of your website. The more weight the websites that link back to you have, the more they reinforce your authority and expertise in the field and, consequently, your ranking. Thus, it is not the quantity of links, but quality, that elevates you in search results.

Social Media in SEO

Social media activity is important as an indirect factor in search results ranking since nowadays engines know how to leverage social interaction. Quality social shares are helpful traffic- and lead-wise. Content that is widely shared translates into passive backlinking and increased engagement – direct ranking factors.

When we develop your website, you don’t have to worry about technical SEO.

Hire us for your new amazing project.

Additional SEO factors

There are factors that are out of your reach that still affect SEO outcomes, like personal user history, individual browser settings, and personalization. While there is nothing you can do about them, you can optimize your website for a specific location utilizing local SEO services.

Our SEO strategies and local market intelligence help you stand out in the location of your interest.

We will save you the trouble of figuring out how to balance all these SEO factors and deliver lasting results that will give your business a boost you are looking for.

Request a free SEO report

To sum up: if you are looking for an SEO company, look no further.

We specialize in all kinds of professional SEO services, including local SEO for Kuwait, Dubai, GCC and the Middle East region, which is our specialty.